Features:- High performance and durability at less expense Powerful 800 W motor with variable speed for improved mixing and drilling performance Variable speed (0 – 700 RPM) for mixing and drilling in a wide variety of materials Lightweight for reduced operator fatigue Optional D-handle can be attached Soft grip for increased operator comfort 13 mm (1/2?) drill chuck engineered for positive bit retention Large trigger switch for smooth and easy operation Ideal for mixing drywall mud, plaster and drilling large holes and more Externally accessible brushes for easy serviceability Double insulated Buy Makita Variable Speed Electric Drill Machine M6200B 800W 13 mm online in India at wholesale price. If you have been looking for Makita Variable Speed Electric Drill Machine M6200B 800W 13 mm dealers, your search ends here as you can get the best Makita Variable Speed Electric Drill Machine M6200B 800W 13 mm distributors in top cities such as Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Chennai, Pune, Jaipur, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad. You can purchase Makita Variable Speed Electric Drill Machine M6200B 800W 13 mm of the finest quality and rest assured to get the best in terms of both durability and performance. If you are looking for the Makita Variable Speed Electric Drill Machine M6200B 800W 13 mm prices, You can Buy Best Product at Best price From BGI Tools and Machines bring you top notch Makita Variable Speed Electric Drill Machine M6200B 800W 13 mm price and items of the highest caliber from the greatest brands, only available here with special brand savings. Procure Makita Variable Speed Electric Drill Machine M6200B 800W 13 mm today and avail the best offers on your purchase.
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