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Krost 21 Pcs Mini Polishing, Drilling & Detailing Kit Combo With Assorted Polishing/Buffing Accessories

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Brand Name :Krost
Color :Multicolor
Type of Product :Polishing, Drilling & Detailing Kit Combo
Material :ABS Plastic
Weight :1.6 kg
Dimension :22 x 6.5 x 24.5 cm

100% ORIGINAL Products

WARRANTY 6 months manufacturer warranty

SECURE Payments

100% BUYER Protection


The Krost 21 Pcs Mini Polishing, Drilling & Detailing Kit Combo With Assorted Polishing/Buffing Accessories is a complete kit that will help you in detailing, polishing and drilling projects. The compact design makes it easy to handle and use. The kit consists of a 6.5 mm chuck drill, two polishing pads, one diamond grinding disk and two abrasive grinding pads. These accessories can be used for both drilling and polishing operations. You can also use this kit for drilling holes on various materials like wood, metal or plastic. The drill has an ergonomic design that helps in providing maximum comfort during work. It has a variable speed control system that allows you to choose the speed according to your requirement. The drill comes with an adjustable handle which helps in easy handling of the tool while working on different surfaces such as metal or wood. It also comes with an adjustable belt clip which enables you to carry it around easily while working on different projects. Package Content:- 1 Nos-2″ BACKUP PAD. 1 Nos-Three” FOAM VELCRO PAD. 1 Nos-2″RED CUTTING FOAM PAD 1 Nos-Three” ORANGE WAFFLE FOAM PAD 1 Nos-Three” FINISHING BLACK WAFFLE FOAM PAD. 1 Nos-120X80 WHEEL CLEANING , 1 Nos-WOOL PAD BUFFING POLISHING CONE, 1 Nos-MINI DRILL MACHINE 6.5MM CHUCK CAPACITY WITH SPEED CONTROL zero-4500 RPM. 13 Nos-HSS DRILL SET FOR DRILLING ON WOOD AND METAL. Buy Krost 21 Pcs Mini Polishing, Drilling & Detailing Kit Combo With Assorted Polishing/Buffing Accessories online in India at wholesale price. If you have been looking for Krost 21 Pcs Mini Polishing, Drilling & Detailing Kit Combo With Assorted Polishing/Buffing Accessories dealers, your search ends here as you can get the best Krost 21 Pcs Mini Polishing, Drilling & Detailing Kit Combo With Assorted Polishing/Buffing Accessories distributors in top cities such as Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Chennai, Pune, Jaipur, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad. You can purchase Krost 21 Pcs Mini Polishing, Drilling & Detailing Kit Combo With Assorted Polishing/Buffing Accessories of the finest quality and rest assured to get the best in terms of both durability and performance. If you are looking for the Krost 21 Pcs Mini Polishing, Drilling & Detailing Kit Combo With Assorted Polishing/Buffing Accessories prices, You can Buy Best Product at Best price From BGI Tools and Machines bring you top notch Krost 21 Pcs Mini Polishing, Drilling & Detailing Kit Combo With Assorted Polishing/Buffing Accessories price and items of the highest caliber from the greatest brands, only available here with special brand savings. Procure Krost 21 Pcs Mini Polishing, Drilling & Detailing Kit Combo With Assorted Polishing/Buffing Accessories today and avail the best offers on your purchase.


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Krost 21 Pcs Mini Polishing, Drilling & Detailing Kit Combo With Assorted Polishing/Buffing Accessories